Notice Title

Accessway Realignment—104A Waihirere Drive, Tuateawa, Thames-Coromandel District

Publication Date
23 Mar 2017


Other Districts Public Works Act Thames-Coromandel

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Pursuant to the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Zak Sun, Land Information New Zealand:

  1. Pursuant to section 114, declares the land described in the First Schedule to this notice to be accessway and shall vest in the Thames-Coromandel District Council;
  2. Pursuant to sections 116 and 117, declares the portion of accessway adjoining or passing through the land described in the Second Schedule to this notice to be stopped, and pursuant to section 120(3):
    1. the land firstly described in the Second Schedule to this notice be amalgamated with the land in Computer Freehold Register 294528; and
    2. the land secondly described in the Second Schedule to this notice be amalgamated with the land in Computer Freehold Register 722121; and
  3. Pursuant to section 119, declares the land described in the Third Schedule to this notice to be taken and, pursuant to sections 117 and 120(3):
    1. the land firstly described in the Third Schedule to this notice amalgamated with the land in Computer Freehold Register 294528, subject to the Land Covenant contained in Transfer H554403.3; and
    2. the land secondly described in the Third Schedule to this notice amalgamated with the land in Computer Freehold Register 722121, subject to Consent Notice 7104665.1

on the date of publication hereof in the New Zealand Gazette.

South Auckland Land District—Thames-Coromandel District

First Schedule

Land Declared Accessway


25 Part Lot 98 DPS 26718; shown as Section 1 on SO 476687 (part Computer Freehold Register 722121).
106 Part Lot 18 DP 372725; shown as Section 3 on SO 476687 (part Computer Freehold Register 294528).

Second Schedule

Accessway Stopped and Amalgamated


107 Lot 98 DPS 26718 and Lot 18 DP 372725; shown as Section 5 on SO 476687.
285 Lot 98 DPS 26718 and Lot 18 DP 372725; shown as Section 8 on SO 476687.

Third Schedule

Land Taken for Severance and Amalgamated


25 Part Lot 98 DPS 26718; shown as Section 6 on SO 476687 (part Computer Freehold Register 722121).
457 Part Lot 18 DP 372725; shown as Section 9 on SO 476687 (part Computer Freehold Register 294528).

Dated at Wellington this 16th day of March 2017.

Z. SUN, for the Minister for Land Information.

(LINZ CPC/2005/10979)