Notice Type
Notice Title

Amendment to Declaration Notice—Declaration That No New Permits Shall Be Granted—Northland

Pursuant to Regulation 15 of the Marine Mammals Protection Regulations 1992, and pursuant to an instrument of delegation dated 9 September 2015 from the Director-General of Conservation, I, Carl McGuiness, Acting Deputy Director-General, Operations, Department of Conservation, hereby amend the declaration notice titled “Declaration That No New Permits Shall Be Granted—Northland”, dated 21 June 2016 and published in the New Zealand Gazette, 7 July 2016, Issue No. 61, No. 2016-go3802, by inserting in it a new paragraph after paragraph c.:

“d. any application to film, record or photograph marine mammals, where there is no paying passenger.”

Dated at Wellington this 11th day of August 2017.

CARL McGUINNESS, Acting Deputy Director-General, Operations, Department of Conservation.