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Description Change to One Designated Terrorist Entity and Renewed Designations of Three Terrorist Entities

Publication Date
27 Jul 2017


Terrorism Suppression Act Designated terrorist entities NZ Police

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On 13 July 2017, pursuant to section 29A of the Terrorism Suppression Act 2002 (TSA), the description of the designated terrorist entity Jundallah was changed to Jaish Al-Adl. Henceforth, the designated entity Jundallah shall be designated under the description Jaish Al-Adl.

Also on 13 July 2017, the terrorist designations of Jaish Al-Adl (formerly Jundallah); Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party/Front (DHKP/C); and The Shining Path were renewed pursuant to section 35 of the TSA.

Any person who deals with the property of the entities listed below may be liable to prosecution for an offence under section 9 of the TSA.


Jaish Al-Adl (JAA, formerly designated under description Jundallah; also known as Jaysh al-Adl; Jeysh al-Adl; Army of Justice; Peoples’ Resistance Movement of Iran (PRMI); Jonbesh-I Moqavemat-i-Mardom-I Iran; Popular Resistance Movement of Iran; Soldiers of God; Fedayeen-e-Islam; Former Jundallah of Iran; Jundullah; Jondullah; Jondollah; Jondallah; Army of God (God’s Army); and Baloch Peoples’ Resistance Movement (BPRM));

Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party/Front (DHKP/C, also known as Devrimci Halk Kurtuluş Partisi-Cephesi; Devrimci Sol (Revolutionary Left); and Dev Sol); and

The Shining Path (SP, also known as Sendero Luminoso; The Peruvian Communist Party; PCP-SL; PCP; SL; Partido Comunista del Peru en el Sendero Luminoso de Jose Carlos Mariategui; Communist Party of Peru on the Shining Path of Jose Carlos Mariategui; Partido Comunista del Peru; Communist Party of Peru; The Communist Party of Peru by the Shining Path of Jose Carlos Mariategui and Marxism, Leninism, Maoism and the Thoughts of Chairman Gonzalo; Revolutionary Student Front for the Shining Path of Mariategui; Communist Party of Peru - By Way of the Shining Path of Mariategui; PCP - por el Sendero Luminoso de Mariategui; Ejercito Guerrillero Popular; Ejercito Popular de Liberacion, EGP; EPL; People’s Aid of Peru; People’s Guerrilla Army; and People’s Liberation Army).

The three statements of case for renewal are available on the New Zealand Police website:

These designations expire on 13 July 2020 unless earlier revoked or extended pursuant to section 35 of the TSA.

MIKE BUSH, Commissioner of Police.