Notice Title

Reappointments and Appointment to the Engineering Associates Registration Board

Publication Date
12 Jan 2017


Engineering Associates Act Appointments/reappointments Business, Innovation and Employment

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Pursuant to section 3(2) of the Engineering Associates Act 1961, the Minister for Building and Construction has reappointed to the Engineering Associates Registration Board

Dr Robin Dunlop

as a member and chair for a two-year term commencing on 20 December 2016; and reappointed

Deborah Cranko

Debbie Hogan

Glynn Cowley

Victor Gradowski

Bruce Hurley

Warren Crawley

Graeme Wells

as members for two-year terms commencing on 20 December 2016; and appointed

Gilbert Inkster

as a member for a two-year term commencing on 20 December 2016.

Dated at Wellington this 12th day of December 2016.

Hon Dr NICK SMITH, Minister for Building and Construction.