Notice Type
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KIMBRI LIMITED (in liquidation)

Publication Date
8 Jun 2017


Companies Act Removals

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Notice of Intention to Remove Company From the Register

The Companies Act 1993 (“Act”)

Application to remove the above-named company and for the destruction of all its remaining books and records will be made to the Registrar, pursuant to section 318(1) of the Act, on the grounds that the company has ceased to carry on business, has discharged in full its liabilities to all its known creditors, and has distributed its surplus assets in accordance with its constitution and the Act.

Objections to the removal, pursuant to section 321 of the Act, must be delivered to the Registrar within 20 working days from the date of this notice.

Dated this Thursday the 1st day of June 2017.


The Address and Telephone Number to Which, During Normal Business Hours, Enquiries May Be Directed by a Creditor or Member: Staples Rodway Limited, Chartered Accountants, PO Box 3899, Shortland Street, Auckland 1140. Telephone: (09) 309 0463.