Chapter 89
CURRENT APPROVAL: Spare and service parts of the following vessel (regardless of tariff classification), excluding consumable items (eg those items which are not permanently fixed to, or which form part of, the vessel. NB: Where there is any doubt in this regard, confirmation should be sought from Valuation, Origin and Classification section, New Zealand Customs Service, Auckland): Fast ferry: Albayzin. Fishing Vessels: Independent, Aleksey Slobodchikov, Altair II, Amaltal, Atlantis, Amaltal Columbia, Amaltal Endeavour, Amaltal Enterprise, Amaltal Explorer, Amaltal Mariner, Amaltal Voyager, Ameral, Aoraki, Aorere, Aquila, Atria, Avro Chieftan, Awior, Cheung Shing, Chiyo Maru No. 3, Dalmor II, Dorada, Fishing Success (previously known as Alexander Buryachenko), Giljanes, Gudni Olafsson, Irvinga, Ivan Golubets, Janas, Kapitan Rusak, Kiwa, Labrador, Mainstream, Malakov Kurgan, Meridian, MJ Souza, Nova 97, Ocean Ranger, Ocean Reward, Otakou, Pacific Bounty, Pacific Challenger, Pacific Pride, Paerangi, Pakura, Professor Mikhaylo Aleksandrov, Rehua, Sea Hunter, Sokolinoe, Sonrisa, Taharaki, Taimania, Tasman Viking, Thomas Harrison, Willwatch, Milburn Carrier II, M.V. Westport, Cement King, M.V. Golden Bay, M.T. Taiko, M.T. Toanui, M.T. Kakariki, M.T. Matuku, Ocean Dawn. Offshore support vessels engaged in the servicing of the oil exploration/production industry: Quickcat II. Royal New Zealand Navy vessels: Seaflyte, Spirit of Freedom, Spirit of Competition, Spirit of Progress, Spirit of Vision, Spirit of Resolution, Spirit of Enterprise. Tugs: Godley, Purau, Lyttelton III, Sir Robert, Te Matua, Kaimai, Tai Pari, Tai Timu.