Notice Type
Charitable Trusts
Notice Title


Public Notice of Application for Approval of a Scheme of Variation

Pursuant to Section 36 of the Charitable Trusts Act 1957 (“Act”)

In the High Court of New Zealand, Auckland Registry:

In the matter of the Act, and in the matter of an application by THE ELAM TRUST FOR ART & DESIGN BOARD (“applicant”):

Take notice that the trustees of THE ELAM TRUST FOR ART & DESIGN BOARD will apply to the High Court at Auckland on 16 October 2017 at 10.00am for approval of a scheme to vary the mode of administration of the trust.

The proposed scheme varies an existing scheme which was approved by the High Court under the Act by sealed order dated 1 September 1965. The proposed scheme allows the trustees to wind up the trust and vest the remaining trust fund in The University of Auckland Foundation, on the condition that the funds continue to be applied to the same charitable purposes as specified in the existing 1965 scheme. Further particulars of this application may be obtained from the office of the applicant’s solicitors, Jackson Russell.

Any person desiring to oppose the proposed scheme is required to give notice in writing of their intention to do so to:

  1. the Registrar of the High Court at Auckland, CX10222, Auckland;
  2. the applicant, care of Jackson Russell, PO Box 3451, Auckland 1140 (attention: Caroline Harris); and
  3. the Attorney-General, care of Crown Law Office, PO Box 2858, Wellington 6140 (attention: Virginia Hardy)

not less than seven clear days before this matter is due to be heard.

CAROLINE ELLEN HARRIS, Solicitor for the Applicant.

Publication Date
7 Sep 2017

Notice Number


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