Notice Type
Authorities/Other Agencies of State
Notice Title

Notification of New Reserved Recreational Areas for Lake Kaniere

Publication Date
23 Nov 2017


Notifications Maritime Rule Part 91 Maritime New Zealand

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Pursuant to Rule 91.12(1)(b) of Part 91 of the Maritime Rules, I, Keith Manch, Director of Maritime New Zealand, hereby define the following reserved areas at Lake Kaniere for the purpose specified within each defined reserved area as follows:

Water Ski Zone Western shore: (for the purpose of water skiing) Inside a line commencing at the shore at position 42° 48.479S, 171° 07.617E from there 280m to 42° 48.420S, 171° 07.805E then 1125m to 42° 48.980S, 171° 08.131E then 424m to the shore at 42° 49 076S, 171° 07.847E;

Water Ski Zone Eastern shore: (for the purpose of water skiing) Inside a line commencing at the shore at 42° 48.575S, 171° 09.263E then 340m to 42° 48.578S, 171° 09.015E then 950m south to 42° 49.091S, 171° 09.015E then 505m to shore at 42° 49.089S, 171° 09.383E;

Water Ski Zone Northern shore: (for the purpose of water skiing) Inside a zone 100m wide centred on a curved line from 42° 48.207S, 171° 08.010E to 42° 48.040S, 171° 08.630E following the northern shore with the northern edge of the zone 100m from the shore;

Sunny Bight Swim Zone: (for the purpose of swimming) Inside a line commencing at the shore at 42° 48.209S, 171° 07.780E then 66m to 42° 48.224S, 171° 07.826E then 112m to 42° 48.276S, 171° 07.783S then 78m to the shore at 42° 48.258S, 171° 07.732E;

Hans Bay Swim Zone: (for the purpose of swimming) Inside a line commencing at the shore at 42° 48.520S, 171° 09.275E then West 307m to 42° 48.520S, 171° 09.054E then north 303m to 42° 48.356S, 171° 09.054E then north east to the shore at 42° 48.339S, 171° 09.083E and including Hans Bay.

A map detailing the above defined reserved areas is available on the Maritime New Zealand website at:

This notice will come into force on 26 December 2017.

Dated at Wellington this 23rd day of November 2017.

KEITH MANCH, Director of Maritime New Zealand.