Notice Type
Authorities/Other Agencies of State
Notice Title

Notice of Exemption from Maritime Rules and Marine Protection Rules

Pursuant to sections 47(3) and 395(3) of the Maritime Transport Act 1994, the Director of Maritime New Zealand hereby notifies the granting, during the period from 11 May 2017 to 14 June 2017, of the following exemptions:

  • 1 from Maritime Rule 25.4(1) – Nautical Charts and Publications – Area requirements – Owner and master of vessel must ensure nautical charts, nautical publications, IAMSAR manual, and tables, are carried on the vessel.
  • 1 from Maritime Rule 31.64(1)(a) – Crewing and Watchkeeping – Other minimum crewing requirements for fishing vessels – Minimum required certificates.
  • 1 from Maritime Rule 31.64(2)(a) – Crewing and Watchkeeping – Other minimum crewing requirements for fishing vessels – Operating in unlimited area.
  • 1 from Maritime Rule 31.84(2)(b) – Crewing and Watchkeeping – Minimum crewing requirements for other ships – Seafarers holding minimum required certificates and minimum number of crew specified applicable table and flowchart.
  • 1 from Maritime Rule 31.84(4)(b), Table 11 – Crewing and Watchkeeping – Minimum crewing requirements for other ships – Applicable tables and flow-charts for passenger ships operating within enclosed water limits.
  • 1 from Maritime Rule 40A.3(1)(a) – Design, Construction and Equipment – Passenger ships which are not SOLAS ships – Application of rule part – New Zealand passenger ship does not proceed beyond restricted limits.
  • 1 from Maritime Rule 40A.9(4)(d)(i) – Design, Construction and Equipment – Passenger ships which are not SOLAS ships – Construction – Pre-27 May 2004 ship undergone design approval.
  • 1 from Maritime Rule 40A.12(2) – Design, Construction and Equipment – Passenger ships which are not SOLAS ships – Subdivision and stability – Vertically continuous collision bulkhead that is watertight and located not less than 5 percent of the length overall.
  • 1 from Maritime Rule 40A.33(1)(e) – Design, Construction and Equipment – Passenger ships which are not SOLAS ships – Petrol inboard and outboard engines – Not more than 12 passengers carried.
  • 1 from Maritime Rule 40A.55(1), Appendix 3, 3.3 – Design, Construction and Equipment – Passenger ships which are not SOLAS ships – Fire-fighting appliances – Owner and master of a ship must ensure fire appliances are provided in accordance with requirements of Appendix 3 – Restricted limit ships.
  • 1 from Maritime Rule 40A.56(1), Appendix 4, 4.3 – Design, Construction and Equipment – Passenger ships which are not SOLAS ships – Life-saving appliances – Owner and master of a ship must ensure that life-saving appliances are provided in accordance with the requirements of Appendix 4 of this Part – Restricted limit ships.
  • 1 from Maritime Rule 40B.20 – Design, Construction and Equipment – SOLAS ships – Life-saving appliances an arrangements – Ship requirements – Owner of ship must ensure that the ship is provided with life-saving appliances and arrangements specified by the applicable requirements of Chapter III of SOLAS.
  • 1 from Maritime Rule 40B.21(1) – Design, Construction and Equipment – SOLAS ships – Life-saving appliances an arrangements – Compliance with International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee of the IMO by resolution MSC.48(66).
  • 1 from Maritime Rule 40C, Appendix 1, 1.4 – Design, Construction and Equipment – Non-passenger ships that are not SOLAS ships – Intact stability – Tugs – Requirements for a ship engaged in towing.
  • 1 from Maritime Rule 40C.4(1) – Design, Construction and Equipment – Non-passenger ships that are not SOLAS ships – Permanent markings of Maritime New Zealand numbers on ships built prior to 4 September 2008.
  • 1 from Maritime Rule 40C.7(1)(a) – Design, Construction and Equipment – Non-passenger ships that are not SOLAS ships – Design and survey construction – Design – Design approval requirements on ships pre-27 May 2004 and post-27 May 2004.
  • 1 from Maritime Rule 40C.9(1) – Design, Construction and Equipment – Non-passenger ships that are not SOLAS ships – Construction – Strength for safe operation of ship to withstand the sea and weather conditions.
  • 1 from Maritime Rule 40C.15(2)(a) – Design, Construction and Equipment – Non-passenger ships that are not SOLAS ships – Minimum freeboard requirements for ships with continuous weather deck.
  • 1 from Maritime Rule 40C.16(1) – Design, Construction and Equipment – Non-passenger ships that are not SOLAS ships – General non-passenger ships – Shelter and passenger accommodation.
  • 1 from Maritime Rule 40C.51(1) – Design, Construction and Equipment – Non-passenger ships that are not SOLAS ships – Provision of fire appliances in accordance with requirements of Appendix 2.
  • 1 from Maritime Rule 40C.52(1) – Design, Construction and Equipment – Passenger ships that are not SOLAS ships – Provision of life-saving appliances in accordance with requirements of Appendix 3.
  • 1 from Maritime Rule 40C.53(1) – Design, Construction and Equipment – Non-passenger ships that are not SOLAS ships – Provision of radiocommunication equipment must be provided on a ship proceeding beyond enclosed waters in accordance with requirements of Appendix 4.
  • 1 from Maritime Rule 45.5(1) – Navigational equipment – All New Zealand ships – Sextant, chronometer, and binoculars – Ships proceeding beyond unlimited area must be provided with at least one sextant.
  • 1 from Maritime Rule 45.5(2) – Navigational equipment – All New Zealand ships – Sextant, chronometer, and binoculars – Ships proceeding beyond unlimited area must be provided with at least one chronometer.
  • 1 from Maritime Rule 46.17(1)(a) – Surveys, Certification and Maintenance – Inspections – Hull and external fittings inspections below the waterline with the ship out of the water at intervals not exceeding two years.
  • 1 from Maritime Rule 47, Section 1 – Load Lines – Ships of 24 metres or more in length.
  • 1 from Maritime Rule 50.9(1) – Medical Stores – Ship operating in the unlimited area – Medical stores: scale 4 – Rule 50.9 applies to any ship operating in the unlimited area.
  • 1 from Maritime Rule 82, Appendix 1, section 1.12(c) – Commercial Jet Boat Operations (River) – Operating details, procedures, and programmes to be included in Commercial Jet Boat Safe Operational Plan – Navigational safety – Commercial jetboats must keep to right unless safety otherwise dictates.
  • 1 from Maritime Rule 82, Appendix 2, section 2.17.1 – Commercial Jet Boat Operations (River) – Commercial jet boat standards – Personal flotation devices – Each person on board must be provided with a personal flotation device.
  • 2 from Maritime Rule 82, Appendix 2, section 2.18.1(a)(iii) – Commercial Jet Boat Operations (River) – Commercial jet boat standards – Other equipment to be carried on commercial jet boats – Rope permanently attached to bow eye.
  • 1 from Maritime Rule 82, Appendix 2, section 2.18.1(a)(iii), (b) and (d) – Commercial Jet Boat Operations (River) – Commercial jet boat standards – Other equipment to be carried on commercial jet boats – rope permanently attached to bow eye, spare plug for any drain hole, and three hand-held flares complying with Maritime Rule 42A.23.
  • 2 from Marine Protection Rule 122.4(1) and (2) – Marine Protection Products – Oil – Oil filtering equipment – Applies to ships of 400 gross tonnage or more, approval by the Director, and designed to ensure any oily mixture, which is discharged into the sea after passing through the system, has an oil content not exceeding 15 parts per million.
  • 1 from Marine Protection Rule 122.7(1) – Marine Protection Products – Oil – Oil residue (sludge) tanks – Sludge tanks.
  • 1 from Marine Protection Rule 122.23 – Marine Protection Products – Oil – Standard deck discharge connection dimension requirements.

Dated this 22nd day of June 2017.

Publication Date
22 Jun 2017

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