Rees Logan and Rhys Cain, both RITANZ accredited insolvency practitioners, were appointed joint and several receivers and managers of the assets and undertakings of the company on 19 July 2017 pursuant to the provisions of a general security deed dated 27 May 2011 giving the secured party a security interest in all the assets and undertakings of the company.
Dated this 19th day of July 2017.
REES LOGAN, Receiver and Manager.
The Office of the Receivers and Managers is at: EY, Level 4, 93 Cambridge Terrace, Christchurch 8013. Enquiries to: Ben Eggers. Email: restructuring@nz.ey.com. Telephone: 0800 737 878 / 0800 RESTRUCTURING. Facsimile: (03) 379 8288.
Note: If any creditor claims a security interest over any assets of the company, please provide details to the receivers and managers as soon as possible.