Rhys Cain and Rees Logan, both RITANZ accredited insolvency practitioners, were appointed joint and several receivers and managers of the assets and undertakings of the company on 4 May 2017 pursuant to the provisions of a general security agreement dated 1 February 2016 giving the secured party a security interest in all the assets and undertakings of the company.
Dated this 4th day of May 2017.
RHYS CAIN, Receiver and Manager.
The Office of the Receivers is at: EY, Level 4/93 Cambridge Terrace, Christchurch 8013. Telephone: 0800 737 878 / 0800 RESTRUCTURING. Facsimile: (03) 379 8288. Email: Enquiries to: Andrew Vaughan.
Note: If any creditor claims a security interest over any assets of the company, please provide details to the recievers and managers as soon as possible.