Notice Title

Land Transfer Act Notice

Publication Date
15 Dec 2016


Land Transfer Act Land Registrar notices Christchurch

Notice Number


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The owners of land adjoining the bank of Kopuaranga River in the District of Masterton have applied to me to bring part of the dry bed of the Kopuaranga River under the provisions of the Land Transfer Act 1952 and issue a Computer Register for it in their names.

Land Registration District: Wellington.

Application: 10388078.3.

Applicant: McLachlan Bruce Limited, c/o Gawith Burridge (Masterton), PO Box 454, Masterton 5915.

Land Applied for: 0.5300 hectares and 0.4100 hectares, more or less, shown on LT 487366, being part of the former bed of Kopuaranga River adjoining Lot 34 and part Lot 35 Deeds Plan 113 comprised in Computer Freehold Register WN53C/532 in the District of Masterton.

I hereby give notice of my intention to bring the land applied for under the provisions of the Land Transfer Act 1952 and issue a title for it in the name of the applicant unless a caveat forbidding the same is lodged on or before 14 February 2017.

Dated at the Christchurch Office of Land Information New Zealand this 15th day of December 2016.

C. C. CLEWS, for Registrar-General of Land.