Land Transfer Act Notice
I hereby give notice of an application lodged with me for the issue of a Computer Freehold Register to the below-named applicant, under section 19 of the Land Transfer Act 1952, for the land described below.
Such Computer Freehold Register may be issued unless caveat forbidding the same is lodged on or before 23 January 2017.
Application 10558990.1 by Woodend Beach Development Limited at Rangiora for an estate in fee simple in 0.1214 hectares, more or less, being Lot 1 on a plan lodged for deposit in the Canterbury Land District under number LT 489211, being Part Rural Section 367 which is part of the land in Deeds Index C1 Folio 367, such land being all the land granted to Francis Fuller under Crown Grant 1182 recorded in 4D:83 on 18 October 1855 and subsequently conveyed by Deed of Conveyance 6946 17D:147 dated 30 July 1863 to John Morrell and in the same conveyance to Harry Bell Johnstone, who is recorded as being the documentary owner thereof.
Dated at the Hamilton Office of Land Information New Zealand this 11th day of November 2016.
LOIS ROE, for Registrar-General of Land.