Notice Title

Classification of a Reserve to Form Part of Te Henui Local Purpose (Cemetery) Reserve

Publication Date
15 Sep 2016


Reserves Act Land notices New Plymouth

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Under section 16(2A) of the Reserves Act 1977, the New Plymouth District Council, pursuant to a resolution dated 7 August 2012, hereby classifies the land described in the Schedule as a local purpose (cemetery) reserve to form part of the Te Henui local purpose (cemetery) reserve, subject to the provisions of the Burial and Cremation Act 1964, being the land respectively declared, set apart and vested in the Council on 3 March 2016, by notices under the Public Works Act 1981, published in New Zealand Gazette, 10 March 2016, Issue No. 21, Notice No. 2016–ln1362 and New Zealand Gazette, 10 March 2016, Issue No. 21, Notice No. 2016–ln1363.

Taranaki Land District—New Plymouth District



7044 Sections 2128–2130, 2142–2144 and 2394 Town of New Plymouth, subject to section 59 of the Land Act 1948, section 8 of the Coal Mines Amendment Act 1950 and Reserves Act 1977 (all Computer Freehold Register TN170/240).
1581 Section 1 SO 492526, subject to Reserves Act 1977 (all Computer Freehold Register 733516).

Dated at New Plymouth this 9th day of September 2016.

BARBARA McKERROW, Principal Administrative Officer, New Plymouth District Council.

(NPDC ID 112706)