Corrigendum—Notice of Treaty of Waitangi Settlement Discontinued and Assigned Crown Protected Area Names for Taranaki Whānui
In the notice with the above heading dated 9 February 2012 and published in the New Zealand Gazette, 9 February 2012, No. 14, page 351:
In the Schedule, for Lake Kohangatera Wildlife Reserve, delete the whole row; and
for Lake Kohangapiripiri Wildlife Reserve in the third column, replace the description with “No longer a CPA and so is discontinued”; and
for Makaro Scientific Reserve in the third column, replace the description with “No longer a CPA and so is discontinued”; and
for Mokopuna Scientific Reserve in the third column, replace the description with “No longer a CPA and so is discontinued”; and
for Matiu Scientific Reserve in the third column, replace the description with “No longer a CPA and so is discontinued”; and
for Matiu Historic Reserve in the third column, replace the description with “No longer a CPA and so is discontinued”.
Dated at Wellington this 9th day of June 2016.
W. K. SHAW, Secretary, New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa.