Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code — Amendment No. 165
The following instruments are separate instruments in the Federal Register of Legislation and are known collectively in the Food Standards Gazette as Amendment No. 165.
The Board of Food Standards Australia New Zealand gives notice of the making of this variation under section 92 of the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991. The variation commences on the date specified in clause 3 of the variation.
Dated 29 August 2016.
Standards Management Officer, Delegate of the Board of Food Standards Australia New Zealand
Note: This variation will be published in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. FSC 107 on 1 September 2016. This means that this date is the gazettal date for the purposes of the above notice. |
1 Name
This instrument is the Food Standards (Application A1118 – Food derived from Herbicide-tolerant Corn Line MON87419) Variation.
2 Variation to a standard in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code
The variation is to a Schedule in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.
3 Commencement
The variation commences on the date of gazettal.
[1] Schedule 26 is varied by inserting in the table to subsection S26—3(4) in alphabetical order under item 2
(za) herbicide-tolerant corn line MON87419 |
The Board of Food Standards Australia New Zealand gives notice of the making of this variation under section 92 of the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991. The variation commences on the date specified in clause 3 of this variation.
Dated 29 August 2016.
Standards Management Officer, Delegate of the Board of Food Standards Australia New Zealand
Note: This variation will be published in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. FSC 107 on 1 September 2016. This means that this date is the gazettal date for the purposes of the above notice. |
1 Name
This instrument is the Food Standards (Proposal P1041 – Removal of Country of Origin Labelling Requirements) Variation.
2 Variation to standards in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code
The Schedule repeals and varies standards in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.
3 Commencement
The variation commences on the day that is 24 months after the commencement of the Country of Origin Food Labelling Information Standard 2016.
[1] Standard 1.1.1 is varied by
[1.1] omitting from subsection 1.1.1—2(2)
Standard 1.2.11 Information requirements – country of origin labelling
Note Applies in Australia only
[1.2] omitting Note 1 to subsection 1.1.1—3(1), substituting
Note 1 The following provisions have not been incorporated by reference into a food standard under the Food Act 2014 (NZ):
[2] Standard 1.2.1 is varied by
[2.1] omitting paragraph 1.2.1—5(b)
[2.2] omitting the notes at the end of subsection 1.2.1—6(1), substituting
Note See section 1.2.1—9 for information requirements for food for sale that does not need to bear a label.
[2.3] omitting section 1.2.1—7
[2.4] omitting paragraph 1.2.1—11(c)
[2.5] omitting section 1.2.1—14
[3] Standard 1.2.11 is repealed.