World Masters Games (Clean Zones and Clean Periods) Notice 2016
Pursuant to section 16(1) of the Major Events Management Act 2007, the Minister for Economic Development gives the following notice.
1. Title—This notice is the World Masters Games (Clean Zones and Clean Periods) Notice 2016.
2. Commencement—This notice commences on 23 December 2016.
3. Interpretation—In this notice, unless the context requires otherwise:
Excluded land or buildings is defined in section 16(5) of the Major Events Management Act 2017.
4. Clean periods and clean zones—The clean periods and clean zones for the events of the World Masters Games 2017 are as follows:
5. Excluded land and buildings—The clean zones set out in the Schedules do not include any excluded land or buildings.
Dated at Wellington this 14th day of December 2016.
Hon STEVEN JOYCE, Minister for Economic Development.
Explanatory note
This note is for explanatory purposes only.
This notice declares clean zones and clean periods for the purposes of the World Masters Games 2017. The World Masters Games 2017 is a multi-sport event to be held in Auckland from 21 to 30 April 2017.
Schedule 1 – Queens Wharf
1. Clean Zone
The clean zone is the area shown in the map to clause 2 of this Schedule, being the area bordered by and including:
2. Map
For the purposes of clause 1 of this Schedule the map of the area is:
3. Clean Period
The clean period for the clean zone described in clauses 1 and 2 of this Schedule is 6.00am Sunday 16 April 2017 until 11.59pm Sunday 30 April 2017.
The clean zone is the area shown in the map to clause 2 of this Schedule, being the area bordered by and including:
2. Map
For the purposes of clause 1 of this Schedule the map of the area is:
3. Clean Period
The clean period for the clean zone described in clauses 1 and 2 of this Schedule is 6.00am until 11.59pm on Friday 21 April 2017.