Domestic Students (Tertiary Education) Notice 2016
Pursuant to paragraph (c) of the definition of the term “domestic student” in section 159 of the Education Act 1989, the Minister for Tertiary Education, by and through Claire Douglas, Deputy Secretary, Graduate Achievement, Vocations and Careers, Ministry of Education, acting under delegated authority, gives the following notice.
1. Title and commencement—(1) This notice may be cited as the Domestic Students (Tertiary Education) Notice 2016.
(2) This notice shall come into force on the day after the date of its publication in the New Zealand Gazette.
2. Persons to be treated as if they are not international students—For the purposes of Part 13 and Part 13A to Part 24 and Schedules 13 to 17 of the Education Act 1989, persons of the following class or description are required to be treated as if they are not international students:
Dated at Wellington this 15th day of September 2016.
CLAIRE DOUGLAS, Deputy Secretary, Graduate Achievement, Vocations and Careers, Ministry of Education.
Note: The effect of this notice is that non-resident students who are enrolled in a search and rescue course or training scheme at a tertiary education provider that receives funding by the Tertiary Education Commission out of the Search and Rescue (Adult and Community Education) Fund for that course or training scheme is to be treated for enrolment, course and fees purposes as if they are domestic students.