A revocation to this notice was published on 6 May 2020, Notice No. 2020-go1855.

Notice Title

Research, Science, and Technology Funding Subject to a Separate Decision-making Process

Publication Date
7 Jul 2016


Research, Science, and Technology Act Notices Business, Innovation and Employment

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Pursuant to section 5(2) of the Research, Science, and Technology Act 2010, the following Research, Science, and Technology (RS&T) funding in the votes administered by the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment is subject to a separate decision-making process:

  1. Health Research Fund;
  2. Marsden Fund;
  3. National Measurement Standards;
  4. Partnered Research Funding that is allocated using the Pre-seed Accelerator Fund, Commercialisation Partner Network, Envirolink or Christchurch Innovation Hub mechanisms;
  5. Repayable Grants for Start-Ups;
  6. Catalyst Fund;
  7. Māori Innovation Fund;
  8. Callaghan Innovation;
  9. Callaghan Innovation – Operations;
  10. Strategic Investment Fund;
  11. Research and Development Growth Grants;
  12. Targeted Business Research and Development Funding;
  13. Contract Management;
  14. Talent and Science Promotion; and
  15. All RS&T funding in a vote other than Vote Business, Science and Innovation.

This notice supersedes and revokes the following notices:

  1. Research, Science, and Technology Funding Subject to a Separate Decision-making Process published in the New Zealand Gazette, 6 June 2013, No. 72, page 1918;
  2. Amendment to the Notice—Research, Science, and Technology Funding Subject to a Separate Decision-making Process published in the New Zealand Gazette, 23 October 2014, Issue No. 130, Notice No. 2014-go6467.
  3. Amendment to the Notice—Research, Science, and Technology Funding Subject to a Separate Decision-making Process published in the New Zealand Gazette, 24 July 2014, No. 79, page 2198; and
  4. Research, Science, and Technology Funding Subject to a Separate Decision-making Process published in the New Zealand Gazette, 23 June 2016, Issue No 58, Notice No. 2016-go3570.

This notice comes into effect on 1 July 2016.

Dated at Wellington this 28th day of June 2016.

Hon STEVEN JOYCE, Minister of Science and Innovation.