Notice of Entry into Possession of Mortgaged Property
In the matter of section 137 of the Property Law Act 2007, and in the matter of Mortgage Instrument 7601421.2 from Sydney Fadenafa Viki and Fei Viki to Pepper New Zealand (Custodians) Limited:
Take notice that on 14 December 2015, Pepper New Zealand (Custodians) Limited, the mortgagee by virtue of memorandum of Mortgage 7601421.2, entered into possession of the property situated at 8 Dalton Grove, Stokes Valley, being all the land comprised in Certificate of Title WNF1/1368 (Wellington Registry).
The registered office of Pepper New Zealand (Custodians) Limited is at Level 5, 10 Customhouse Quay, Wellington 6011.
Any correspondence pertaining to this matter should be directed to the offices of McVeagh Fleming, Lawyers, Level 14, HSBC House, 1 Queen Street, Auckland 1010. Postal Address: PO Box 4099, Auckland 1140. Attention: John Woolley. Telephone: (09) 377 9966. Email:
Signed and dated at Auckland this 14th day of December 2015 by:
JOHN WOOLLEY, on Behalf of the Mortgagee.
This notice is given by Pepper New Zealand (Custodians) Limited, whose address for service is at the offices of McVeagh Fleming as noted above.