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Publication Date
14 Apr 2016


Charitable Trusts Act Application to vary a charitable trust

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Advertisement of Application for Approval of a Scheme to Vary the Deed of Settlement of the Trust

Take notice that on 24 April 2016, the trustees of THE PARININIHI KI WAITOTARA TRUST (“trustees”) filed an application in the High Court at New Plymouth for approval of a scheme varying the Deed of Settlement (“deed”) of the trust dated 22 June 1983 under section 33 of the Charitable Trusts Act 1957.

The proposed scheme to vary the deed provides:

  1. for the term of the shareholders’ representative trustee, who is appointed by the shareholders of Parininihi ki Waitotara Incorporation, to be changed from one year to three years (to bring this in line with the election processes and term for the committee of management of the incorporation who are the other trustees of the trust);
  2. the trustees with a general power to vary the deed for administrative and management purposes, not impacting on the core function and purpose (supporting the cultural and educational purposes of the beneficiaries of the trust); and
  3. associated consequential changes to the deed.

The application is to be heard before the High Court at New Plymouth on Tuesday 31 May 2016 at 10.00am.

Any person desiring to oppose the scheme must give not less than seven clear days’ notice in writing of their intention to do so to:

  1. the Registrar of the High Court at New Plymouth;
  2. the trustees, Parininihi ki Waitotara Trust, PO Box 241, New Plymouth 4340 (attention: Jacqui King); and
  3. the Attorney-General, Crown Law Office, PO Box 2858, Wellington 6140 (attention: Amy Dixon).

To make an appointment to view the proposed variation of the deed, please contact Jacqui King on telephone (06) 769 9373 or email