Notice Title

Notification of Amendments to Input Methodologies for Electricity Lines Services, Gas Pipeline Services, and Specified Airport Services

The Commerce Commission (“Commission”) gives notice that it has amended the input methodologies (IMs) applicable to electricity lines services, gas pipeline services, and specified airport services, under Part 4 of the Commerce Act 1986 (“Act”).

The amended IMs are:

  • Electricity Distribution Services Input Methodologies Determination 2012 [2012] NZCC 26
  • Transpower Input Methodologies Determination [2012] NZCC 17
  • Gas Distribution Services Input Methodologies Determination 2012 [2012] NZCC 27
  • Gas Transmission Services Input Methodologies Determination 2012 [2012] NZCC 28
  • Commerce Act (Specified Airport Services Input Methodologies) Determination 2010 (Decision 709, 22 December 2010).

The amendments are set out in:

  • Electricity Distribution Services Input Methodologies Amendments Determination 2016 [2016] NZCC 24
  • Gas Distribution Services Input Methodologies Amendments Determination 2016 [2016] NZCC 25
  • Gas Transmission Services Input Methodologies Amendments Determination 2016 [2016] NZCC 26
  • Transpower Input Methodologies Amendments Determination 2016 [2016] NZCC 27
  • Airport Services Input Methodologies Amendments Determination 2016 [2016] NZCC 28.

The amendments have been made under section 52Y of the Act as a result of the review of IMs that commenced on 10 June 2015. The amendments improve the existing methodologies for:

  • cost of capital;
  • valuation of assets;
  • allocation of common costs;
  • treatment of taxation;
  • regulatory processes and rules; and
  • matters relating to proposals by a regulated supplier for a customised price-quality path.

The reasons for the amendments are to:

  • promote the purpose of Part 4 of the Act (section 52A) more effectively;
  • promote the purpose of IMs (section 52R) more effectively (without detrimentally affecting the promotion of the purpose of Part 4 of the Act); and
  • significantly reduce compliance costs, other regulatory costs or complexity (without detrimentally affecting the promotion of the purpose of Part 4 of the Act).

Copies of the amendment determinations, and reasons papers, are available on the Commission’s website at

and for inspection free of charge, or for purchase at a reasonable price, at the Commission’s office at 44 The Terrace, Wellington (during ordinary office hours).

Dated at Wellington this 22nd day of December 2016.