Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices 2004 – Traffic Signs (August 2016)
Pursuant to subclause 4.4(4) of the Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices 2004 and a delegation from the NZ Transport Agency, I, Glenn Bunting, Network Manager, authorise the installation and maintenance of the sign described in the Schedule to this notice.
R6-5.1 Pay parking area identification supplementary
Supplementary parking sign to provide information such as a location code or area identification number for use in a technology based system for paying parking fees.
Shape and size: rectangle at least 300mm × 200mm. Sign dimensions may be increased to accommodate the legend or to match the parking sign it is supplementing.
Background: blue (may be reflectorised).
Border: white (may be reflectorised) 10mm.
Description |
Colour |
Size |
such words or symbols as are necessary to convey the parking fees payment related information in no more than two lines |
words: white (may be reflectorised) |
words: NZ Tpt Med ‘x’ height 25mm |
code numerals or letters |
white (may be reflectorised) |
60/8.4 |
Pay parking area identification supplementary sign
Note: The dimensions, descriptions and terms contained in this notice conform with the opening notes in Schedule 1, Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices 2004.
Signed at Wellington this 29th day of August 2016.
GLENN BUNTING, Network Manager.