Notice Title

Notice of Recognition of Community Support Services ITO Limited as an Industry Training Organisation

Publication Date
17 Mar 2016


Industry training organisations Industry Training and Apprenticeships Act Tertiary Education Commission

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Pursuant to section 5(1) of the Industry Training and Apprenticeships Act 1992, Community Support Services ITO Limited is recognised as an Industry Training Organisation for the following industries:

  • The health and disability sectors, including: Aged care, addiction, allied science and technical health, dental support, public health and health promotion, home and community support, intellectual, physical and sensory disability, mental health, palliative care, primary and secondary health care, except where the workforce is covered by the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003;
  • the social and community sectors, including: Social work, community work, social services, counselling, employment support, child development, youth work, iwi/Māori social services, Pacific Island social services, refugee and migrant services, Tamariki Ora – Well Child Services, and Whānau Ora, and abuse, neglect and violence; and
  • the cleaning, caretaking, and urban pest management industries.

The following industries are not included in this recognition: Ambulance, first aid, injury prevention, pre-hospital emergency care, occupational health and safety, pharmacy, and State services-related public administration and management.

The recognition takes effect from 18 March 2016.

Dated at Wellington this 6th day of March 2016.

Hon LOUISE UPSTON, Associate Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment.