Notice Type
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623 ITC LIMITED (subject to deed of company arrangement)

Publication Date
17 Sep 2015


Companies Act Deed of company arrangement

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Notification of Execution of Deed of Company Arrangement

Pursuant to Section 239ACO of the Companies Act 1993

Company No.: 3288868

At the watershed meeting of creditors on 17 August 2015, the creditors voted in favour of the company executing a deed of company arrangement (“DOCA”).

The DOCA was duly executed by the directors of the company and the deed administrator on 5 September 2015.

The DOCA may be viewed at

by searching for the company’s name.

Notice to Creditors to Lodge Claims

The deed administrator has fixed 15 October 2015 as the last day for creditors to make their claims and establish any priority their claims may have.

Enquiries for information relating to this deed administration should be made to Geoff Falloon, Biz Rescue Limited, PO Box 27, Nelson. Telephone: (03) 546 7999 or (027) 332 6759. Email:

Dated this 7th day of September 2015.

GEOFF FALLOON, Deed Administrator.