Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Notice of Intention to Take Easements for Kerikeri River Flood Scheme—Far North District

Notice is hereby given, under the provisions of section 23 of the Public Works Act 1981, that Northland Regional Council proposes to take

  1. easement interests in the land described in the First Schedule hereto for rights to construct and maintain a stopbank, construct and maintain flood protection works including floodways, undertake earthworks, access to remove flood debris, drain water, and flood (“easements”); and
  2. easement interests in the land described in the Second Schedule hereto for rights to flood, to drain stormwater and of access to remove flood debris.

The easements are required over the identified parts of the lands which are within areas to be affected by flooding as part of the proposed Kerikeri River Flood Scheme (“scheme”).

Northland Regional Council proposes to construct the scheme to provide flood protection to the left bank of the Kerikeri River, from downstream of the State Highway 10 Bridge over the Kerikeri River to Rainbow Falls.

The scheme will also reduce flood overflow to the Waipapa Stream, and reduce flood risk along that stream, in particular at Waipapa Landing.

Parts of the earthworks and floodway of the proposed scheme are located on the lands.

The intended taking of the easements is considered reasonably necessary to enable the construction and on-going operation of the scheme.

The Northland Regional Council has assessed a range of flood mitigation options for the Kerikeri–Waipapa catchment, and no better alternative sites or other methods of achieving flood mitigation to the Kerikeri–Waipapa catchment were identified that were more favourable than the scheme.

A designation application for the scheme is currently being processed by the Far North District Council (Application No.: 2150173-RMADES) to provide for the scheme in the Operative Far North District Plan.

The owners of the lands and those persons with a registered interest in the land have been served with notice of Northland Regional Council’s intention to take interests by way of easement in the lands and of their right to object.

Any other person having the right to object may send a written objection to the Registrar, Environment Court, Tribunals Division, Justice Department, Private Bag, Postal Centre, Wellington, within 20 working days.

If any objection is made in accordance with this notice, a public hearing will be held with the right of the objector to appear and be heard personally unless the objector otherwise requires, and each objector will be informed of the time and place of the hearing.

Any person requiring further information in respect of this advice should contact Bruce Howse, Land Rivers Senior Programme Manager, Northland Regional Council. Telephone: (09) 470 1135.

North Auckland Land District—Far North District

First Schedule

The interests in land to be taken by way of easement and the areas of such interests are those parts of the land situated at 1878 State Highway 10, Waipapa, being part Lot 2 DP 89875 as contained in Computer Freehold Register NA46D/1149 as follows:

  1. A right to construct and maintain a stopbank over areas totalling 0.3726 hectares, more or less, and being the areas marked “GA” and “GC” on SO 483459.
  2. A right to construct and maintain flood protection works including floodways over area totalling 2.3228 hectares, more or less, and being the area marked “GB” on SO 483459.
  3. A right to undertake earthworks over areas totalling 6.5091 hectares, more or less, and being the areas marked “GB”, “HA” and “KA” on SO 483459.
  4. Right of access to remove flood debris and rights to drain water and flood over areas totalling 15.0463 hectares, more or less, and being the areas marked “GB”, “HA”, “JA”, “JB”, “JC” and “KA” on SO 483459.

Second Schedule

The interests in land to be taken by way of easement and the areas of such interests are those parts of the land situated at 1826-8 State Highway 10, Waipapa, being part Lot 2 DP 41113 as contained in Computer Freehold Register NA33B/689 are rights of access to remove flood debris, to drain water and to flood over areas totalling 10.9716 hectares, more or less, and being the areas marked “LA” and “LB” on SO 483459.

Dated at Whangarei this 8th day of June 2015.

MALCOLM NICOLSON, Chief Executive Officer, Northland Regional Council.

Publication Date
18 Jun 2015

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