Incorporated Society No.: 1041367
Take notice that the Registrar of Incorporated Societies has directed that consequent on the dissolution on 8 January 2004 of the above-named incorporated society, its surplus asset, being Memorandum of Encumbrance B614192.2 (South Auckland Land Registration District) registered over the properties comprised in the following certificate of titles SA64D/335–338 be vested in Northern Land Developments Limited (2192117) at Auckland.
This direction shall become final on 31 August 2015.
No appeal shall lie unless notice thereof is delivered before that date.
Dated this 31st day of July 2015.
MICHAEL BROSNAHAN, Assistant Registrar of Incorporated Societies.
Address for Delivery of Appeals: The Registrar of Incorporated Societies, Level 18, Auckland Council Building, 135 Albert Street, Auckland 1010. Postal Address: Private Bag 92061, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142.