Standard 1.2.3 – Information Requirements – Warning Statements, Advisory Statements and Declarations – Food Standards (Proposal P1025 – Code Revision) Variation—Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code – Amendment No. 154
The Board of Food Standards Australia New Zealand gives notice of the making of this standard under section 92 of the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991.
The Standard commences on 1 March 2016.
Dated 25 March 2015
Standards Management Officer, Delegate of the Board of Food Standards Australia New Zealand.
Note: This Standard will be published in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. FSC 96 on 10 April 2015. |
Note 1 This instrument is a standard under the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991 (Cth). The standards together make up the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. See also section 1.1.1—3.
Note 2 The provisions of the Code that apply in New Zealand are incorporated in, or adopted under, the Food Act 2014 (NZ). See also section 1.1.1—3.
This Standard is Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code – Standard 1.2.3 – Information requirements – warning statements, advisory statements and declarations.
Note Commencement: This Standard commences on 1 March 2016, being the date specified as the commencement date in notices in the Gazette and the New Zealand Gazette under section 92 of the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991 (Cth). See also section 93 of that Act.
(1) For the labelling provisions, if a food is listed in Column 1 of the table in Section S9—2, the corresponding advisory statement in Column 2 of that table is required.
(2) For the labelling provisions, an advisory statement to the effect that excess consumption may have a laxative effect is required for a food that contains:
(a) one or more of the following substances, either alone or in combination, at a level of or in excess of 10 g/100 g:
(i) lactitol;
(ii) maltitol;
(iii) maltitol syrup;
(iv) mannitol;
(v) xylitol; or
(b) one or more of the following substances, either alone or in combination, at a level of or in excess of 25 g/100 g:
(i) erythritol;
(ii) isomalt;
(iii) polydextrose;
(iv) sorbitol; or
(c) one or more of the substances listed in paragraph (a), in combination with one or more of the substances listed in paragraph (b), at a level of or in excess of 10 g/100 g.
Note The labelling provisions are set out in Standard 1.2.1.
For the labelling provisions, if a food is or includes as an ingredient royal jelly, the following *warning statement is required: ‘This product contains royal jelly which has been reported to cause severe allergic reactions and in rare cases, fatalities, especially in asthma and allergy sufferers’.
Note The labelling provisions are set out in Standard 1.2.1.
(1) For the labelling provisions, if any of the following foods or substances is present in a food for sale in a manner listed in subsection (2), a declaration that the food or substance is present is required:
(a) added sulphites in concentrations of 10 mg/kg or more;
(b) any of the following foods, or products of those foods:
(i) cereals containing *gluten, namely, wheat, rye, barley, oats and spelt and their hybridised strains other than where these substances are present in beer and spirits;
(ii) crustacea;
(iii) egg;
(iv) fish, except for isinglass derived from swim bladders and used as a clarifying agent in beer or wine;
(v) milk;
(vi) peanuts;
(vii) soybeans;
(viii) sesame seeds;
(ix) tree nuts, other than coconut from the fruit of the palm Cocos nucifera.
(2) For subsection (1), the food or substance may be present as:
(a) an ingredient or as an ingredient of a *compound ingredient; or
(b) a substance *used as a food additive, or an ingredient or component of such a substance; or
(c) a substance or food *used as a processing aid, or an ingredient or component of such a substance or food.
Note The labelling provisions are set out in Standard 1.2.1.