Notice Type
General Section
Notice Title

Recognised Institutions, Qualifications, Assessment and Examination Programmes for Registration as a Veterinarian Notice 2015

Pursuant to sections 8(1)(a) and (b) of the Veterinarians Act 2005, the Veterinary Council of New Zealand (“the Council”) in this notice1 recognises and prescribes:

  • the following institutions and degrees or diplomas offered by those institutions for the purposes of section 6(1)(a) of the Veterinarians Act 2005; and
  • a pass in the following examinations and assessment programmes for the purposes of section 6(1)(b) of the Act.

Honorary veterinary degrees are not recognised for registration purposes.

Recognised Institutions and Degrees2

New Zealand

Massey University, Bachelor of Veterinary Science


Charles Sturt University, Bachelor of Veterinary Science

James Cook University, Bachelor of Veterinary Science

Murdoch University, Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery

University of Melbourne, Bachelor of Veterinary Science

University of Queensland, Bachelor of Veterinary Science, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (from 2011)

University of Sydney, Bachelor of Veterinary Science

University of Adelaide, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine


United Kingdom

University of Bristol, Bachelor of Veterinary Science

University of Cambridge, Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine

University of Edinburgh, Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery

University of Glasgow, Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery

University of Liverpool, Bachelor of Veterinary Science

University of London (Royal Veterinary College), Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine

University of Nottingham, Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery

Netherlands – recognised from the date of accreditation by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)

State University of Utrecht, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (for those who graduated from 1973 onwards)


National University of Ireland, Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (restricted to those who graduated up to and including 22 March 2001 and from 2004 onwards)


Justus Liebig University Giessen, degree in Veterinary Science (restricted to those who graduated up to and including 22 March 2001 and who are eligible to be registered as a veterinarian in Germany)

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, degree in Veterinary Science (restricted to those who graduated up to and including 22 March 2001 and who are eligible to be registered as a veterinarian in Germany)

University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, degree in Veterinary Science (restricted to those who graduated up to and including 22 March 2001 and who are eligible to be registered as a veterinarian in Germany)

Free University of Berlin, degree in Veterinary Science (restricted to those who graduated up to and including 22 March 2001 and who are eligible to be registered as a veterinarian in Germany)

France – recognised from the date of accreditation by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)

Campus Vétérinaire de Lyon, Diplôme d’État de docteur vétérinaire (for those who graduated from 2011 onwards)


The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen, degree in Veterinary Science (restricted to those who graduated up to and including 22 March 2001 and who are eligible to be registered as a veterinarian in Denmark)

South Africa

University of Pretoria, Bachelor of Veterinary Science

United States of America – recognised from the date of accreditation by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)

Auburn University (Alabama), Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

University of California, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Western University of Health Sciences (California), Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Colorado State University, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Cornell University (New York), Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

University of Florida, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

University of Georgia, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

University of Illinois, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Iowa State University, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Kansas State University, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Louisiana State University, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Michigan State University, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

University of Minnesota, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Mississippi State University, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

University of Missouri, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

North Carolina State University, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Ohio State University, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Oklahoma State University, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Oregon State University, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

University of Pennsylvania, V.M.D. Programme

Purdue University (Indiana), Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

University of Tennessee, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Texas A&M University, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Tufts University (Massachusetts), Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Tuskegee University (Alabama), Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Virginia-Maryland University, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Washington State University, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Canadarecognised from the date of accreditation by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)

University of Calgary (Alberta), Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

University of Guelph (Ontario), Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

University of Montreal, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

University of Prince Edward Island, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

University of Saskatchewan, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Mexicorecognised from the date of accreditation by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)

Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (for those who graduated from 2011 onwards)

West Indies – recognised from the date of accreditation by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)

Ross University (St Kitts), Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (for those who graduated from 2011 onwards)

St. George’s University, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (for those who graduated from 2011 onwards)

Prescribed Examinations

Veterinary Council of New Zealand, New Zealand National Veterinary Examination (NZNVE)

Australasian Veterinary Boards Council, Australian National Veterinary Examination (NVE)

Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, Membership examination (MRCVS by examination)

Prescribed Assessment Programmes

American Association of Veterinary State Boards, Programme for the Assessment of Veterinary Education Equivalence (PAVE) certificate

American Veterinary Medical Association, Certificate of the Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates (ECFVG)

Canadian National Examining Board Licensing Examination

Holding a recognised qualification or a pass in a prescribed examination or assessment is one of the requirements that applicants for registration are required to meet. Applicants must also:

  • meet the minimum standards for practising as a veterinarian as set out in the notice published in the New Zealand Gazette, 4 August 2011, No. 118, page 3314;
  • satisfy the English language requirements of section 6(2) of the Veterinarians Act 2005 by sitting and passing a Council-approved English test to the required level if English is not their first language; and
  • (in the case of those holding a pass in a prescribed examination or assessment) also hold a veterinary science degree or diploma of not less than four years of study.

Further detail on these requirements is set out in the registration application and examination documentation available on the Council’s website

1This notice replaces the Veterinary Council Amendment Notice 2011 published in the New Zealand Gazette, 27 October 2011, No. 163, page 4631.

2The changes to the 2011 notice are required to give effect to Council’s recognition of:

  • a new veterinary degree programme at the University of Adelaide (accredited by the Australasian Veterinary Boards Council)
  • veterinary degree programmes at St George’s University and Campus Vétérinaire de Lyon (accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association)