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Amending a Notice—Establishment of the Inquiry into the Management of Tony Douglas Robertson by the Department of Corrections and Other State Sector Agencies Before and After His Release From Prison in 2013

Pursuant to section 7(5) of the Inquiries Act 2013, and as the appointing Ministers for the Inquiry (CAB-15-MIN-005 refers), the Minister of Justice and Minister of Corrections amend the final reporting date in the notice for the Establishment of the Inquiry into the Management of Tony Douglas Robertson by the Department of Corrections and other State Sector Agencies Before and After His Release from Prison in 2013, as published in the New Zealand Gazette, 13 August 2015, Issue No. 88, Notice No. 2015-go4773.

The Inquiry is to report its findings and opinions to the appointing Ministers in writing by 29 January 2016.

Melwyn Purefoy Smith is appointed to and constitutes the Inquiry during the period of extension.

Dated at Wellington this 17th day of November 2015.

Hon AMY ADAMS, Minister of Justice.

Hon PESETA SAM LOTU-IIGA, Minister of Corrections.

Publication Date
26 Nov 2015

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