Appointments/reappointments to the New Zealand Trade and Enterprise Board
Pursuant to clause 28(3)(a) of the Crown Entities Act 2004, the Minister for Economic Development and the Minister of Trade have been pleased to appoint
Charlotte Walshe
Wayne Norrie
as members for terms commencing 1 June 2015 and expiring on 30 April 2018; and reappoint
Karen Fistonich
Robin Hapi
as members for third terms commencing 1 June 2015 and expiring on 30 April 2017; and
Charles Finny
as a member for a third term commencing 1 June 2015 and expiring on 30 April 2018; and
Andrew Ferrier
as a member and chair for a second term commencing 1 June 2015 and expiring on 30 June 2018.
All the above are to the New Zealand Trade and Enterprise Board.
Dated at Wellington this 26th day of June 2015.
Hon STEVEN JOYCE, Minister for Economic Development.
Hon TIM GROSER, Minister of Trade.