Amendment to the Terms of Reference for the Government Inquiry into Matters Concerning the Escape of Phillip John Smith / Traynor
Pursuant to section 7(5) of the Inquiries Act 2013, and as the appointing Minister for the Inquiry (CAB Min (14) 36/21 refers), the Minister of State Services amends the final reporting date in the notice for the Establishment of the Government Inquiry into Matters Concerning the Escape of Phillip John Smith / Traynor, as published in the New Zealand Gazette, 11 December 2014, Issue No. 148, Notice No. 2014-go7634.
The Inquiry is to report its findings and opinions to the appointing Minister in writing by 25 August 2015.
The Honourable Dr John Priestley, cnzm, qc, and Simon Murdoch, cnzm, are appointed to and constitute the Inquiry during the period of extension.
The Honourable Dr John Priestley will continue as chair of the Inquiry.
Dated at Wellington this 4th day of June 2015.
Hon PAULA BENNETT, Minister of State Services.