In the High Court of New Zealand, New Plymouth Registry:
In the matter of the Charitable Trusts Act 1957, and in the matter of an application by the BISHOP’S ACTION FOUNDATION, Applicant:
Take notice that the Trustees of the BISHOP’S ACTION FOUNDATION will apply to the High Court at New Plymouth on Tuesday 2 February 2016 for an order varying the terms of the James Dawson Bashford Trust, created by the will of James Dawson Bashford dated the 15th day of May 1962, as varied by orders of the High Court dated the 7th day of March 1984 and the 20th day of November 2003, and further varying the terms of the Claude Williams Nicholls Trust created by the will of Claude Williams Nicholls dated the 16th day of August 1954 and varied by the General Synod of the Anglican Church.
The purpose of this application is to widen the purposes of the James Dawson Bashford Trust and Claude Williams Nicholls Trust, to merge the trusts to create the Bashford-Nicholls Trust and expand the administrative provisions of the trust.
Further particulars of the application may be obtained from the office of the applicant’s solicitors, Govett Quilliam.
Any person desiring to oppose the scheme is required to give notice in writing of his/her intention to do so to:
not less than seven clear days before the matter is due to be heard.
K. A. McKENZIE, Solicitor for the Applicant.