Application to Vary a Charitable Trust Pursuant to Section 36 of the Charitable Trusts Act 1957
Notice is given that Presbyterian Support (Northern) has made application to the High Court at Auckland for orders amending the provisions of the charitable trust created by the will of Winifred Olive Stuart to:
- Substitute the original purpose of building a chapel on the ground of Meadowbank Home and Hospital at 154 Meadowbank Road, or such other property purchased in substitution, or if a chapel has been already been completed, then for the purpose of building more residential cottages at the property occupied by Meadowbank Home and Hospital or such other property purchased in substitution, or if that is not possible to establish a fund for the maintenance and upkeep of the chapel, with establishing a dementia programme to be called “The Enliven Stuart Day Programme”.
- The Enliven Stuart Day programme would include:
- the provision of a designated place for religious and secular contemplation for dementia patients, care givers and whānau;
- the provision and development of premises for advice, counselling, respite day care and support for aged dementia persons, their care givers and whānau;
- funding for research into best practice for dementia care and services and as time progresses, to put this best practice into both the provision of service delivery as well as enhancing the physical environment for aged dementia persons, their care givers and whānau;
- the provision of dementia day care programmes and assisting with respite day care services; and
- the provision of dementia service by way of pastoral care.
A copy of the originating application for approval of a scheme under Part 3 of the Charitable Trusts Act 1957, the affidavits filed in support of the application, and the report of the Attorney-General, is available from the office of the High Court at Auckland during the Court’s normal hours of business.
The application will be heard in the High Court at Auckland on 15 June 2015.
Any person desiring to oppose the scheme must give written notice of intention to do so to the Registrar of the High Court at Auckland, the Attorney-General, and Presbyterian Support (Northern) not less than seven clear days before the date of hearing.
The address for service of Presbyterian Support (Northern) is at the offices of Stace Hammond, Lawyers, 3 Caro Street, Hamilton 3244. Postal Address: PO Box 19101, Hamilton 3244 (Attention: G. Brant).
This notice is given by:
STACE HAMMOND, Lawyers, Hamilton, as solicitors to Presbyterian Support (Northern).