Notice Type
Authorities/Other Agencies of State
Notice Title

Auckland Taxi and Bus Lanes Signs and Markings Trial

Publication Date
19 Nov 2015


Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices NZ Transport Agency Traffic sign trials

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Pursuant to subclause 3.4(1) of Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices 2004 (“the Rule”) and a delegation from the NZ Transport Agency, I, Glenn Bunting, Network Manager, authorise the installation and maintenance of taxi and bus lane signs and markings:

  1. for the purpose described in Schedule 1;
  2. in the form and layout set out in Schedule 2;
  3. at the location stated in Schedule 3;
  4. for the period specified in Schedule 4; and
  5. subject to the evaluation outlined in Schedule 5.

The taxi and bus lane signs and markings specified in this notice may be installed so that they can be evaluated and the trial will be called the “Auckland taxi and bus lane signs and markings” trial.

Schedule 1—Purpose of trial

The purpose of the trial is to:

  1. evaluate the effectiveness and safety of identifying a special vehicle lane for buses, cycles, mopeds, motorcycles and taxis with signs and markings that show only buses and taxis, as an alternative to the requirement to define all classes of vehicle for which the lane is reserved, in accordance with 11.2 of the Rule;
  2. enable the use of road markings with the words “TAXI BUS LANE” to indicate a special vehicle lane for buses, cycles, mopeds, motorcycles and taxis, in combination with either of the signs described in Schedule 2;
  3. assess drivers’ understanding and compliance with the combination of signs and markings described in this notice to identify a special vehicle lane for buses, cycles, mopeds, motorcycles and taxis.

Schedule 2—Form and layout of taxi and bus lane signs and markings

For the purposes of the trial, the special vehicle lane for buses, cycles, mopeds, motorcycles and taxis must be identified with:

  1. the words “TAXI BUS LANE” marked on the road surface at the beginning of the lane in white letters that comply with Schedule 2 of the Rule;
  2. a sign installed at the beginning of the lane that conforms with option A or B in the following description:

Taxi and Bus Lane

The adjacent lane is a taxi and bus lane available to taxis, buses, cycles, mopeds and motorcycles

Shape and size

Rectangle at least 600 × 900mm


White (R)


Red (R) 15mm

Option A Legend





“TAXI” above




“Symbol of bus (side on)” above


465 × 160mm





Option B Legend





“TAXI” above




“BUS” above







Note: The dimensions, descriptions and terms used to describe the signs in this notice conform to the opening notes in Schedule 1 of the Rule.


Taxi and bus lane sign options.

Taxi and bus lane sign option A (left) and option B (right).

Additional signs and markings that conform with the description in this schedule may be installed if Auckland Transport considers it necessary to identify the special vehicle lane or to discourage the use of the lane by other vehicles.

Schedule 3—Location

The location approved for this trial is Grafton Bridge between Symonds Street and Grafton Road in Auckland.

Schedule 4—Period of trial

The trial may begin after the publication of this notice and, unless terminated earlier, must end by 30 November 2016.

Schedule 5—Evaluation

An evaluation must be undertaken and a report prepared which includes discussion and analysis of the following:

  1. measurement of any changes in driver behaviour during the trial, including:
    1. an assessment of the level of special vehicle lane infringements issued during the trial;
    2. an assessment of the level of challenges to special vehicle lane infringements arising during the trial;
    3. a comparative assessment of the number of cyclists using the special vehicle lane before and during the trial;
  2. measurement of any change in taxi driver compliance with other bus lanes in Auckland during the trial;
  3. an assessment of drivers’ understanding of the meaning of the signs and markings used to identify the special vehicle lane;
  4. a summary of any feedback received from cyclists, bus drivers and the general public during the trial; and
  5. a description of any operational issues that arose during the trial and how they were resolved.

An interim evaluation report must be sent to me by 31 May 2016 and a final report by 31 March 2017.

Signed at Wellington this 16th day of November 2015.

GLENN BUNTING, Network Manager.