Public Notice of Proposed Amalgamation
CDC PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED ("CDC") and PHARMACY WHOLESALERS (CENTRAL) LIMITED ("PWL") (together the "amalgamating companies") propose to amalgamate in accordance with sections 220 and 221 of the Companies Act 1993.
CDC will continue as the amalgamated company and the name of the amalgamated company will be CDC PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED.
The registered office and address for service of the amalgamated company will be the registered office of CDC being 26 Logistics Drive, Harewood, Christchurch 8051.
The amalgamation is subject to Commerce Commission clearance and to the approval of the shareholders of each of the amalgamating companies. Once the amalgamation proposal has received Commerce Commission clearance and been approved by the shareholders of the amalgamating companies it will be filed with the Registrar of Companies. The amalgamation is intended to take effect on the 1st day of the month next following the month on which the amalgamation proposal is filed with the Registrar of Companies.
Any shareholder or creditor of either of the amalgamating companies, or any person to whom either of the amalgamating companies is under an obligation, is able to inspect the amalgamation proposal at the registered offices of the amalgamating companies during normal business hours, or request a posted copy of the amalgamation proposal by contacting either:
CDC PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED, 26 Logistics Drive, Harewood, Christchurch 8051. Telephone: (03) 359 5971. Email:
PHARMACY WHOLESALERS (CENTRAL) LIMITED, 207 Courtenay Street, New Plymouth 4312. Telephone: (06) 757 9963. Email:
Dated this 3rd day of July 2014.
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