Land Transfer Act Notice
The applicant described below has applied, under section 70 of the Land Transfer Act 1952, for the removal of a right of way easement.
The applicant claims the right of way easement is redundant by reason of the circumstances set out below.
I intend to remove the right of way easement on 24 November 2014 if no objections have been received before that date.
Application: 9860644.1.
Applicant: Lily Nelson LP, c/o Alexander Dorrington, PO Box 7246, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141.
Easement: Right of way over part marked “I” on DP 99443, appurtenant to Lot 1 DP 477195 specified in Easement Certificate B311002.3 registered on 20 July 1984 at 11.20am.
Circumstances: The dominant land has become physically separated from the servient land as a result of the subdivision of DP 477195.
Dated at the Hamilton Office of Land Information New Zealand this 23rd day of October 2014.
LOIS ROE, for Registrar-General of Land.