Notice Title

Land Taken for Road and Leasehold Estate in Land Taken for the Functioning Indirectly of a Road-State Highway 6/Eastern Access Road Intersection, Queenstown Lakes District

Publication Date
7 Feb 2014


Roading Districts Public Works Act

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Principal Edition, 7 February 2014.
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See page 343
A Proclamation
Pursuant to the Public Works Act 1981, I, Lieutenant General The Right Honourable Sir Jerry Mateparae, Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby declare:
(a) The land described in the First Schedule to be taken for road; and
(b) The leasehold estate ("lease") in the land described in the Second Schedule ("lease land") (on the terms and conditions set out in the Third Schedule) to be taken for the functioning indirectly of a road
and vested in the Crown on the 14th day after the date of
the publication of this Proclamation in the New Zealand Gazette.
Otago Land District-Queenstown Lakes District
First Schedule
m2 Description
628 Part Lot 4 DP 374540 (part Computer Freehold Register 461290); shown as Section 2 on SO 461463.
Second Schedule
m2 Description
477 Part Lot 4 DP 374540 (part Computer Freehold Register 461290); shown as Sections 1 and 4 on SO 461463.
Third Schedule
Purpose for Which Leasehold Estate is Required
The lease is required to allow the Crown to occupy
the lease land during the construction of the project. The lease land will be used for work storage, machinery movements, and such other purpose or purposes reasonably required for construction of the project.
Terms of the Leasehold Estate
1. For the purpose of the lease, any reference to the Crown includes its employees, engineers, assistants, consultant, contractors and authorised invitees.
2. The lease shall commence on the 14th day after publication of this proclamation taking the land and the lease in the New Zealand Gazette, and terminate on
the date one year thereafter ("term").
3. The Crown shall pay to the registered proprietor a current market rent for the term, such rate to be determined by a registered valuer at the commencement of the lease.
4. Notwithstanding the term created, the Crown may terminate the lease at any time by giving the registered proprietor one month's notice in writing.
5. The Crown shall have the right to occupy the lease land and, for the avoidance of doubt, such right shall include the right to enter and re-enter the lease land at all times, with or without such vehicles, machinery or materials for the purpose set out in the notice.
6. Prior to the commencement of the project, the Crown shall erect a temporary fence for the period of construction of the project to provide adequate security to the balance
of the property.
7. The Crown shall take all reasonable steps to minimise damage to the lease land arising from the Crown's occupation under the lease and/or execution of construction of the project.
8. The Crown shall, at the expiration of the term, remove all debris arising from the Crown's occupation under the lease. The Crown shall otherwise restore the lease land to a condition generally in keeping with the character of the lease land prior to entry. The Crown shall complete such work in a good and workmanlike manner.
Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of
New Zealand this 28th day of January 2014.
HON MAURICE WILLIAMSON, Minister for Land Information.
(LINZ CPC/2010/15452)