Notice Title

Land Declared No Longer Required for Education Purposes

Pursuant to section 70A of the Education Act 1989,
and pursuant to an authority delegated to me, I, Jerome Sheppard, Group Manager Service Delivery, Ministry of Education, Wellington, hereby give the following notice.
N o t i c e
1. The land described in the Schedule to this notice is no longer required for education purposes.
2. This notice shall come into force on 9 October 2014.
0.0812 Lot 12 DPS 7438 (all Proclamation 244756 - New Zealand Gazette, 11 October 1962, No. 63, page 1664), South Auckland Land Registration District.
0.0743 Lot 21 DP 6787 (all Proclamation 2103 -
New Zealand Gazette, 20 April 1961, No. 27, page 580), Taranaki Land Registration District.
0.0749 Lot 3 DP 9169 (all Proclamation 147241 -
New Zealand Gazette, 31 March 1966, No. 19, page 571), Taranaki Land Registration District.
0.0809 Lot 1 DP 7517 (all Proclamation 106895 -
New Zealand Gazette, 3 March 1960, No. 15, page 278), Taranaki Land Registration District.
0.0632 Lot 180 DP 28539 (part Gazette Notice 762834 - New Zealand Gazette, 17 October 1968, No. 65, page 1829), Wellington Land Registration District.
0.0625 Lot 78 DP 27773 (part Gazette Notice 727856 - New Zealand Gazette, 2 November 1967, No. 69, page 1897), Wellington Land Registration District.
0.0615 Lot 66 DP 27350 (all Computer Freehold Register WN34C/530), Wellington Land Registration District.
0.0658 Lot 50 DP 29643 (part Gazette Notice 779771 - New Zealand Gazette, 2 April 1969, No. 19, page 612), Wellington Land Registration District.
0.0744 Lot 127 DP 29022 (all Computer Freehold Register WN36D/499), Wellington Land Registration District.
0.0741 Lot 88 DP 27350 (all balance Gazette Notice 749562 - New Zealand Gazette, 20 June 1968, No. 38, page 1030), Wellington Land Registration District.
0.0579 Lot 89 DP 27350 (all Computer Freehold Register WN36D/495), Wellington Land Registration District.
Dated at Wellington this 3rd day of October 2014.
J. SHEPPARD, Group Manager Service Delivery, Ministry of Education.