Notice Title

Notice of Intention to Take Land for Road-274 Te Atatu Road, Te Atatu South, Auckland

Publication Date
7 Feb 2014


Roading Councils Public Works Act

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Principal Edition, 7 February 2014.
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See page 344
Notice is hereby given that Auckland Council, under the provisions of section 23 of the Public Works Act 1981, proposes to take the land described in the Schedule to this notice ("land").
The land is required for the Te Atatu Corridor Improvement Project.
More particularly the land is required for road.
The reasons why Auckland Council considers it essential to take the land are that the construction of a road on the land is important for a safe, multi-modal roading network, and construction of the Te Atatu Corridor Improvement Project will make the movement of freight, traffic and people along this major corridor more effective for both local and through traffic.
The land use is in accordance with the proposed designation under the district plan.
The owner of the land and those persons with a registered interest in it have been served notice of Auckland Council's intention to take the land and have been advised of their rights to object.
Any other person having the right to object may send a written objection to the Registrar, Environment Court, Tribunals Division, Department for Courts, PO Box 7147, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141, within 20 working days after the date of publication of this notice.
If any objection is made in accordance with this notice,
a public hearing will be held with the right of the objector to appear and be heard personally unless the objector otherwise requires, and each objector will be informed of the time and place of the hearing.
Any person requiring further information in respect of this advice should contact Grant Sextone at Auckland Council Property Limited, Level 9, Bledisloe House, 24 Wellesley Street, Auckland 1010. Postal Address: Private Bag 92320, Auckland 1142. Telephone: (09) 337 5165.
North Auckland Land District-Auckland
m2 Description
Part Lot 2 DP 40995; shown as Section 41 on SO 455006 (part Computer Freehold Register NA1530/96).
The land to be taken is located at 274 Te Atatu Road,
Te Atatu South, Auckland.
The property is a 1255 square metre section which lies to the north-western side of Te Atatu Road.
Dated at Auckland this 21st day of January 2014.
STEPHEN MICHAEL TOWN, Chief Executive, Auckland Council.