Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Notification of Tatai Tuapapa Overlay Classification and Protection Principles-Balance of the Opouahi Scenic Reserve

Pursuant to section 57(1)(a) of the Maungaharuru-Tangitu Hapu Claims Settlement Act 2014, and to a delegation from the Minister of Conservation, the Deputy Director-General, Policy and Regulatory Services, of the Department of Conservation, hereby notifies that the areas described in the Schedule hereto have been declared to be subject to an overlay classification known as Tatai Tuapapa by section 52 of the Act.
The provisions of the Act which relate to Tatai Tuapapa are sections 51-65.
Pursuant to section 57(1)(b) of the Act, the Deputy Director-General, Policy and Regulatory Services, hereby notifies that the following protection principles are directed at the Minister of Conservation avoiding harm to, or the diminishing of, the hapu values related to the balance of the Opouahi Scenic Reserve ("Reserve"):
(a) protection of wahi tapu, significant places, traditional materials and resources, flora and fauna, water and the wider environment of the Reserve;
(b) recognition of the hapu mana, kaitiakitanga, tikanga and kawa over and within the Reserve;
(c) respect for the hapu tikanga and kaitiakitanga within the Reserve;
(d) encouragement of recognition and respect for the particular hapu association with the Reserve;
(e) accurate portrayal of the association and kaitiakitanga relationship of the hapu with the Reserve;
(f) respect for and recognition of the relationship of the hapu with the wahi tapu and significant places; and
(g) recognition of the hapu interest in actively protecting indigenous species within the Reserve.
Hawke's Bay Land District-Hastings District
ha Description
9.5690 Section 16 Block III Maungaharuru Survey District (all Computer Freehold Register HBL4/663).
115.4000 Section 13 and Part Section 11 Block III Maungaharuru Survey District (balance Computer Freehold Register HBK4/1278), subject to survey.
8.0000 Part Lot 1 DP 405468 (balance Computer Freehold Register 419234), subject to survey.
Dated at Wellington this 5th day of June 2014.
DORIS JOHNSTON, Deputy Director-General Policy and Regulatory Services, Department of Conservation.
(DOC CO TWS-04-27 - NNHM 1)