Pursuant to section 70A of the Education Act 1989, and pursuant to an authority delegated to me, I, Kim Shannon, Head of Education Infrastructure Service, Ministry of Education, Wellington, hereby give the following notice.
N o t i c e
1. The land described in the Schedule to this notice is no longer required for education purposes.
2. This notice shall come into force on 10 April 2014.
ha Description
0.1153 Section 4 Block VII Town of Ohura (all
New Zealand Gazette, 26 July 1973, No. 71, page 1425), Taranaki Land Registration District.
0.0784 Lot 1 DP 29637, part Allotment 8 Block
XXV Otorohanga Native Township held in Proclamation 54088 (New Zealand Gazette,
6 August 1953, No. 46, page 1261).
6.8073 Lot 2 DP 436879 and Section 88 Block XIV Ohinewairua Survey District (all Computer Freehold Register 536967), Wellington Land Registration District.
5.7262 Section 1 SO 34831 and Part Section 85 Taihape Village Settlement (Computer Freehold Register 643581), Wellington Land Registration District.
0.7165 Section 112 Block XIV Ohinewairua Survey District (all Computer Freehold Register 643582), Wellington Land Registration District.
6.7760 Part Section 89 Block XIV Ohinewairua Survey District (all Computer Freehold Register 449485), Wellington Land Registration District.
Dated at Wellington this 1st day of April 2014.
K. SHANNON, Head of Education Infrastructure Service, Ministry of Education.