Notice Type
Notice Title

Reappointments/appointments to the Board of Te Reo Whakapuaki Irirangi (Te Mangai Paho)

Pursuant to clause 531 of the Broadcasting Act 1989, the Minister of Maori Affairs has reappointed
Professor Piri Sciascia
as chair for a term to expire on 14 December 2016; and
Taria Tahana
as a member for a term to expire on 14 December 2016; and appointed
Associate Professor Leonie Pihama
Eruera Prendergast-Tarena
as members for terms of three years to commence on
12 February 2014 and expire on 12 February 2017
All the above are to the board of Te Reo Whakapuaki Irirangi (Te Mangai Paho).
Dated at Wellington this 13th day of February 2014.
HON DR PITA SHARPLES, Minister of Maori Affairs.