Pursuant to the provisions of section 13 of the Marriage Act 1955, it is hereby notified that the following names will be removed from the list of marriage celebrants under sections 8 and 10 of the Act as at 6 February 2014:
Amuom, Abraham, Anglican.
Apthorp, Christopher John, Anglican.
Ashford, Ronald Kent, Anglican.
Banks, Philip William, Anglican.
Bartley, Neville Bruce, Baptist.
Blaiklok, Marjorie Anne, Baptist.
Bongers, Heather Flora, Baptist
Bowman, Douglas Barrie, Baptist.
Busse, Gordon John, Baptist.
Button, Ivan Peter, Baptist.
Campbell, Donald George, Anglican.
Case, Christine, Anglican.
Comber, Donald Richard, Baptist.
Corbett, Gary William, Baptist.
Cotton, Monamanaaki Koronaki, Anglican.
Dunlop, Rodney Owen, Anglican.
Gale, John, Anglican.
Georgis, Ignatius Efstratios, Greek Orthodox Church.
Green, Jane, Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa NZ.
Haraan OFM Cap, Bertolomius Georgius, Roman Catholic.
Hartley, Helen-Ann, Anglican.
Holmes, Robert Graham, Jehovah's Witnesses.
Horsford, Maxwell George, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Hunt, Vincent Joseph, Roman Catholic.
Kallarackan, James, Roman Catholic.
Kallumpurath, Raju, Roman Catholic.
Kirkpatrick, Jonathan Richard, Anglican.
Kudric, Ljubomir, Greek Orthodox Church.
Lyons, John Edward, Roman Catholic.
Mackey, John, Roman Catholic.
McDonald, Stuart, Anglican.
McNickle, Ian Thomas, Baptist.
Munday, Bruce Patrick, Roman Catholic.
Safo, Suasamiavaava, Roman Catholic.
Saunders, Ronald James, Roman Catholic.
Schischka, Ronald Mervyn, Baptist.
Sitohang, Venantius Eljon, Roman Catholic.
Smith, William Geoffrey, Baptist.
Stewart, Gordon Douglas, Christian Community Church.
Tankersley, Richard John, Ashhurst Christian Fellowship.
Te Hiko, Danny Christopher, Anglican.
Thom, Jeremy James, Greenlane Christian Fellowship.
Tikoisuva, Mikaele, Roman Catholic.
Tria, Michael Balagso, Roman Catholic.
Triantafyllou, Konstantinos, Greek Orthodox Church.
Tsourapas, Konstantinos, Greek Orthodox Church.
Vahe, Soane, Roman Catholic.
Dated at Wellington this 23rd day of January 2014.
JEFF MONTGOMERY Registrar-General.