Notice Title

Merger of Phillipstown School (3474) and Woolston School (3601), and Appointed Board and Interim Period

Pursuant to section 156A of the Education Act 1989, I give the following notice:
N o t i c e
1. I declare that Phillipstown School (3474) and Woolston School (3601), Christchurch, will merge. This merger notice will take effect on 28 January 2015. Woolston School will be the continuing school.
2. The board of Woolston School (3601), Christchurch,
as the continuing school, will be an appointed board with the following constitution for the duration of the interim period:
- Up to seven trustees appointed by the Minister of Education (one of whom may be designated as the chairperson).
- The principal designate.
3. The board may not co-opt additional members.
4. The interim period will commence on 5 May 2014 and end at the close of day before the date on which new trustees take office following an election.
Dated at Wellington this 7th day of April 2014.
HON HEKIA PARATA, Minister of Education.