Notice Title

Alternative Constitution for the Board of Trustees for Te Wainui a Rua School (559)

Publication Date
13 Mar 2014


Education Act Constitution of boards of trustees

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1. Pursuant to section 105A of the Education Act 1989
("the Act"), I hereby approve the following constitution for the board of trustees of Te Wainui a Rua School.
2. The board of trustees of Te Wainui a Rua School will be made up of the following members:
- Two parent representatives, elected by the process set out in this notice;
- the principal;
- one staff representative, elected by the process set out in this notice;
- one trustee appointed by Te Atihaunui a Paparangi through Te Puna Matauranga o Whanganui (Te Puna), the Whanganui Iwi Education Authority;
- up to two ministerial appointees;
- up to one trustee co-opted by the board.
3. The appointment of a trustee may be for a term not exceeding three years.
4. Sections 96, 101, 104 and 105 of the Act will apply in respect of the board.
5. For the first election, the nomination and election of parent representatives and the staff representative will be by way of hui managed by a returning officer appointed by the commissioner. The returning officer shall not be considered for selection as a parent representative and shall not be a teacher.
6. The nomination and election of the iwi trustee will be by way of a hui managed by a returning officer appointed by
Te Puna.
7. The returning officer will organise nomination and election hui and carry out the duties in accordance with the Education (School Trustee Elections) Regulations 2000, made pursuant to section 118 of the Act.
8. Each nomination hui must be held on a date set by the returning officer within the period between four and two weeks before the relevant election date.
9. Nominations may be received by the returning officer before the nomination hui, from eligible voters present at the relevant hui, or directly by the returning officer within two working days after the nomination hui. All nominations must be recorded on the nomination forms approved under the Education (School Trustee Elections) Regulations 2000 ("Election Regulations").
10. An election hui must be held on the relevant election date. Voting will occur on voting forms approved under the Election Regulations and provided directly to each voter by the returning officer. Voters may collect their voting paper from the returning officer at or after the election hui and be given five calendar days from the date of the hui to cast their vote by returning the supplied voting paper to the returning officer.
11. The nomination and selection process for the trustees to be appointed by the Minister of Education will be managed by the Ministry of Education.
12. All trustees will take office when the current commissioner's appointment ends.
This notice will come into force on the day after its publication in the New Zealand Gazette.
Changes to the constitution of the board will be subject to the approval of the Minister of Education and must be notified in the New Zealand Gazette.
Dated at Wellington this 5th day of March 2014.
HON HEKIA PARATA, Minister of Education.