Notice Type
Notice Title

Approved Classes of Persons to Supply or Acquire High-Power Laser Pointers

The Health (High-power Laser Pointers) Regulations 2013 introduced new controls on the supply and acquisition of high-power laser pointers.
The Regulations define a high-power laser pointer as a device that:
(a) in the Director-General of Health's opinion, is of the kind commonly known as a laser pointer; and
(b) is battery operated; and
(c) is designed or intended to be operated while held in the hand; and
(d) produces a coherent beam of optical radiation of low divergence; and
(e) has a power output of greater than 1 milliwatt (mW).
Under the Regulations, people need to apply to the
Director-General and obtain his/her authorisation to supply or acquire such a device.
However, Regulation 11 also empowers the Director-General, at his/her discretion, to declare by notice in the New Zealand Gazette classes of persons to be authorised suppliers or authorised recipients of high-power laser pointers.
The effect of such a declaration is that these classes of persons do not have to specifically apply for authorisation under the Regulations.
The following classes of persons are declared by me to be authorised suppliers or authorised recipients for the purposes of the Regulations:
- New Zealand Police and all Police employees (as defined in the Policing Act 2008) acting in the course of their duties;
- astronomical societies;
- members of astronomical societies; and
- people who use high-power laser pointers for scientific research or industrial purposes.
CHAI CHUAH, Acting Director-General of Health.