Notice Title


Application for Approval of Variation Under the Charitable Trusts Act 1957
This is to give notice that on 23 September 2014, Charles Howard Williamson, Dougal Malcolm McIntosh, Nicholas John Ledgard, Murray William Downs, Patrick George Milne and Ian Frederick Jackson (as trustees of the NEIL BARR FARM FORESTRY FOUNDATION) will ask the High Court at Palmerston North for an order under section 32 of the Charitable Trusts Act 1957, varying the trusts created by the original trust deed dated the 18th day of March 1985 by replacing that deed with a new deed in the terms submitted to the Court.
The proposed variation is intended to give effect to the intention of the settlor, the late Neil Barr, while taking account of the practical requirements for administration of the trust in present day circumstances.
In particular, changes are proposed to the method of appointment and removal of trustees, it is proposed there should be a maximum of six trustees and a minimum of four and all decisions will in future be made unanimously.
Any person who wishes to oppose the variation must give seven days' notice, in writing, of the intention to do so to:
(a) the Registrar of the High Court at Palmerston North; and
(b) the trustees, care of the offices of Greg Kelly Law, PO Box 25243, Wellington 6146 (Attention: Chris Kelly); and
(c) the Attorney-General, Crown Law Office, PO Box 2858, Wellington 6140.
To make an appointment to view the proposed variation
of the will, please telephone (04) 498 8506 or email