Application for Approval of Variation Under the Charitable Trusts Act 1957
Notice is hereby given that The New Zealand Guardian Trust Company Limited, as trustee of the will of Gladys Valentine Howey, late of Auckland, retired, deceased, has filed in the office of the High Court at Auckland an application for approval of a scheme varying the terms of the will under which the deceased's residuary estate is held.
Under the will, the residue of the estate of the late Gladys Valentine Howey is to be held on perpetual trust to pay the income of the estate in the form of awards, not necessarily annually, to a school whose pupils submit the best essay on the care of domestic pets, especially cats; to persons who produce the best publicly acclaimed professionally produced movie or TV series of an educational nature on the care of the domestic pet; to persons who produce the best documentary enlightening people on the need to teach their children kindness and care towards animals and love of nature; and the best home-produced movie of people and their animals and their life together.
Under this scheme the terms of the will would be varied to establish a fund to permit The New Zealand Guardian Trust Company Limited on an annual basis to fund projects submitted by various charitable organisations for the purpose of educating children on the proper care and treatment of domestic pets (especially cats) but not excluding the welfare of animals more generally; encourage news media and publicity activities relating to, and the welfare of, animals as pets and companions to the people of New Zealand; promote the prevention of cruelty to domestic animals; make awards and distributions to schools and organisations who undertake or facilitate such purposes
and such other consequent community benefit in
New Zealand to the extent that this is a charitable purpose under the laws of New Zealand from time to time.
Copies of the scheme and the report of the Attorney-General thereon may be inspected, free of charge, at the office of the Registrar of the High Court at Auckland or at the office of The New Zealand Guardian Trust Company Limited, 93-95 Ascot Avenue, Greenlane, Private Bag 28913, Auckland. The application has been set down for hearing in the High Court at Auckland on 4 September 2014.
Any person desiring to oppose this scheme is required to give notice of his or her intention to do so to the Registrar
of the High Court at Auckland and to The New Zealand Guardian Trust Company Limited at 93-95 Ascot
Avenue, Greenlane, Private Bag 28913, Auckland, and the Attorney-General not less than seven clear days before
the above-mentioned date.