Notification of Amendments to Input Methodologies Applicable to Electricity Distribution Businesses and Transpower—Incremental Rolling Incentive Scheme (IRIS)
Pursuant to section 52W of the Commerce Act 1986 (the “Act”), the Commerce Commission (“Commission”) gives the following notice.
The Commission has amended the input methodologies applicable to electricity distribution services and Transpower under Part 4 of the Act.
The input methodologies amended are set out in the following determinations:
The input methodologies which are amended are contained in the Incremental Rolling Incentive Scheme Input Methodology Amendments Determination 2014 [2014] NZCC 32 (“Amendment”).
The Amendment comes into effect on the date of this notice.
The Amendment introduces a new form of Incremental Rolling Incentive Scheme (IRIS) to apply to future individual and default price-quality path determinations. The IRIS provides a mechanism by which suppliers that are subject to price-quality regulation can retain the benefits of efficiency gains beyond the end of a regulatory period.
The IRIS applicable to non-exempt electricity distribution businesses:
The IRIS applicable to Transpower:
The Commission has amended these input methodologies to improve the incentives for electricity distribution businesses and Transpower to control expenditure and to improve efficiency, and share improvements in efficiency with consumers through prices that are lower than they otherwise would have been.
Copies of the Amendment and reasons paper are available on the Commission’s website at
and are available for inspection free of charge at the Commission (during ordinary office hours), or for purchase at a reasonable price at the Commission, 44 The Terrace, Wellington.
Dated at Wellington this 27th day of November 2014.